Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ox and Friend

 Last week we sang "What Child is This?  and  "Good Christian Men Rejoice" in the morning worship service.   Which means we projected the word 'ass' on the sanctuary wall and sang it right out loud in front of God and everyone.  Twice.

Why lies He in such mean estate?
Where ox and ass are feeding ...

(I know I should be mature than this.  Butt I confess I struggle.) 

Ox and ass before Him bow,
And He is in the manger now...

Pope Benedict says he finds no evidence that there were any animals present at the birth of Jesus.  So I begged the STP to change the lyrics to ox and sheep.  What difference would it make?  Same number of syllables.  Just as likely to be present at the manger.  Less likely to make me and junior high boys giggle.  But no, we sang it again on Christmas Eve.  And then this happened:

Our manger scene donkey tumbled onto our train track (which, while it is a traditional part of our under the tree Christmas scene, is probably not authentic to the Christmas story either) and broke his ear off.  It is not the first time our donkey has lost this particular ear.  But it is the first time I couldn't stop referring to it as our sorry ass.  And wondering (aloud to the STP) if it would be appropriate to blog that I broke my ass on Christmas Eve.  And giggling some more.  Which is probably why Santa did not bring my fox hat this year.
I glued it back together, but sadly you can still see the crack.


LilChickie said...

ha ha your ass has a crack

Amanda said...

have we ever figured out who LilChickie is? because i like her :)

those two christmas carols were always my favorite, and i got a kick out of requesting them in church when dad used to ask people to pick their favorites.

miss you and your sorry ass.