In this episode: The window that will become the linen closet door.
You first saw it in the background here. It was salvaged from a building remodel here in Dodge City. As in, it was discovered inside the wall during the most recent remodel. I picked up three of them for such a time as this. You got your second look at it here. I managed to strip off most, but not all of the existing paint. Not to worry, because I was just going to repaint it and it was never going to be perfect. That is, of course, part of its charm.
The next step was removing the glass panes. This is where it was good I had three windows, because glass is fragile.
I had to clean the windows. I took this little before and after shot to assure
And then I repainted the frame. The delightful thing about having the bedroom torn up during a bathroom remodel is that we have a very big workroom where I can paint late into the night (in my underwear if I so choose).
At this point we hit a little snag because I had no idea how to put the glass back in the frame. The STP had a little idea. As in he knew enough to buy glazing.
And then we did a little google search for methods. And we watched a video that gave us some how to hints and told us how not to do it. A putty knife with constant pressure? Yes. A putty snake? Not so much. In fact, one snotty glazing expert suggested that a putty snake is how a HO would do it. It took us just a few minutes to translate that derogatory pane replacing put down to HomeOwner.
Glazing points. Yeah the wood is a little rough. Part of the charm, remember?
Putty knife with pressure. Check.
At this point, I'm not embarrassed to admit, we may have made a putty snake or two. But it will be on the inside of the closet door in the downstairs bathroom.
A few more coats of paint. And this window door is ready.
As the STP remarked: Not bad for two HOs.
You'll see it again at the BIG REVEAL.