Sunday, March 17, 2013


I just finished the 7 day arm challenge.  The first thing I have actually done after pinning it on my I Could Be Healthy pinterest board.  Today's workout included four circuits of tricep dips done to 'failure'.  I had no desire to do anything to failure.  Let alone 4 times.  Tricep dips were a challenge for me all week.  Seems you have to sit in a chair, place your hands beside your hips and then dip your butt off the front of the chair. And then lift it back up.  Challenge number one for me?  Finding a chair that was wide enough that there was room beside my hips to place my hands.  Really.  Tonight the little pop-up box suggested I might like the Summer Ab Challenge.  I don't think so.  I'm going directly to the butt challenge.


MEL said...

Is there a prize for commenting? From the dearth of comments, it looks like you need to offer more prizes.

Meg said...

So did the 7 day arm challenge work?