Saturday, September 27, 2008
Tom Sawyer
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A Story of 3 (or 4) Moms
Or should I call her #1 Mom?
When my mother was a little girl there was a truckload of people going down the street in her little town. A child in the front seat stuck his head out the window to shout something to someone in the bed of the truck as they were going past a telephone pole. The back of the child's head struck the telephone pole. My mother recounted this story any time one of my six siblings or I stuck our head out the car window. Or any time we drove past a telephone pole. And occasionally at bedtime. Just to remind us NEVER to stick our head out the car window. Consequently, and because I have a visual image of this accident created in my head, I never allowed my children to stick ANY body part out the car window. Not your head. Not your arm. Not your feet. Don't let me see your little finger wiggling outside the window. Or I'll have to tell you Grandmas's gruesome story of the little boy from Summerhill.
Story #2--Mom #2
And that is too high to be a ranking. Just ordinal.
One day, on the way to vist my mother, I had Abi strapped safely in her carseat in the back seat and the window down just a little, (You know, just in case she forgot and tried to stick a body part out.) when the child started screaming hysterically. You know the kind of scream that involves blood or pain. I glanced back, pulled over, examined the child and could find no reason for her distress. I calmed her and continued to drive about 10 minutes to my Mom's house. When I unbuckled Abi from her car seat and lifted her out a dead bee fell from the folds of her shirt. The bee had flown in the window as I was driving 55 mph down the road and stung her while she was strapped in the car seat. How was I to know?
Story #3--Mom #3
Hang with me--I'll connect them in a minute.
A six year old is strapped in her car seat. The window is down just a little. She ties one end of the jump rope to her hand and puts the other end out the window. It wraps around the axle and severs her hand. She screams, her mother pulls over. And sees a bloody stump. With no reasonable explanation.
Mothering is something you always keep learning. You learn from books, and from your Mom's advice. And her mistakes and your own mistakes. You learn to ask questions and you learn to ask better questions. (Will there be a boat?) But at the end of the day you find out that there is one more thing that you should have done or one more thing that you could have worried about. And sometimes you just find yourself on the side of the road wondering what the heck just happened here?
One reason it is good to have your kids close together: If you mother for too long it is too hard. On everyone.
So as Alex goes out the door to school I tell him to be honest, respectful, responsible and not to tie a rope around ANY body part and put the other end out the car window.
Story #4--Mom #4
Claire will be a year old tomorrow. She has a great mother. I resist the urge to call her and ask if she's seen that news story about the little girl and the jump rope. Mothering is hard enough.
Sometimes the best thing to do is pray and trust the Father. Is it that I am a slow learner or just that there is so much to learn?.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Rate My Space
I have scavenged a wedding cake chandelier for the ceiling, but it needs to be rewired. Maybe when Carter drops by he'll bring a friend who will know how to do this. Here's hoping...
Notice the new arrangement of the fruit pictures. It is a rectangular arrangement in keeping with the craftsman style of the house. Dave says if he hears the words 'Craftsman Style' one more time he will block HGTV. I think it is in my package with ESPN so I am safe.
(See Dixie hoping that soon I will stop taking pictures and take her for a walk. She is the eternal optimist.)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Big Foot and the Missus Out For a Stroll
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Retirement Plans
We built Gobbler's Knob as a tribute to our Pennsylvania roots. Complete with an amazing likeness of Punxy Phil. (You may be interested to know that the large cardboard tube was on the truck because PD knew about the Pork and Putt months ago and thought the tube would come in handy. As would a certain certain piece of outdoor furniture which was not on the truck, but forget I even mentioned that.) You had to putt up the ramp, into the hole, then the ball rolled down through the tube and into
the cup on the bottom green. Par 2.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
One Way of Looking At It
Thursday, September 11, 2008
What Not To Wear
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Have You Seen My Shoes?
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Mangled--From the Trip West Archives
Monday, September 08, 2008
Going Green
First, the dining room wall. Just opening the paint can and seeing the color was a big surprise.
The second project was an episode of curb appeal.
Stay tuned for the Big Reveal.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Not On The Truck
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Horse Hockey
Yesterday Dave tilled up about half the yard. The very nice lady took one look at our soil and offered to deliver a pick up truck full of manure on Saturday. I must be destined to work with poop.
Yesterday I started my job at the IBHF. Good news--we send out all stool cultures and O&P's.
Tomorrow I start my job at the bank. Hopefully, I won't have to deal with any of that there.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Moose and Squirrel
1. Rode quads. Alex rode first. Before I had a chance to ask any questions. When he returned (in one piece) he says to me,"Mom, if you knew what we were doing, you would have never let me go."
So the next time I went too. Part of the the warning label says do not operate without proper instruction or training. I'm pretty sure I had neither. What I did have was a good time. On the way back to camp Dave and I switched places and I rode on the back of Alex's quad. I'm pretty sure that's how the Swede died.
Alex: We need to get one of these.
Me: How much do you think one of these costs?
Alex: I don't know, but I'm sure it's worth every penny.
2. Slept in our tent. We bought a queen sized air mattress. It almost filled out little tent, so we had to almost slide in on our bellies. Alex and Dixie slept pretty well. Dave and I, not so much. My toes got cold and I was claustrophobic from sleeping so close to the top of the tent.
3. Played games--all sorts. We played a dice game called Greed and and card game called Avarice. (No really it was called something about up and down a railroad track.) And Dave played several matches of Bocci Ball. It becomes a whole new game played by a group of men in a forest. One of the guys called it "Jungle Bocci".
4. Ate all of our meals cooked over an open fire. Used the mountain pie maker. Made smores and banana boats. Had bacon and dippy eggs this morning. Can you say "Cabelo's"?
5. Saw wildlife. Because it is an open range area, there were cows wandering in and out of the area where we were camping. Squirrels which drove Dixie crazy. Grey Jays, (They look and act like bluejays, but they aren't blue) which the locals called camp robbers. And one large bull moose. Just walking through the woods. Way cool.
6. Went fishing. Dave did this with a few guys away from the campsite. I was not invited to go. Still no fishing for me. I did take along a book from the library called Reel Women, about women who fly fished. I read chapters one and two.
Last night it started to rain, and thunder and lightning, and this afternoon on our way down the mountain we drove through snow. Who would have guessed. Now I am doing laundry. Not a bad way to spend a long weekend.