Saturday, September 27, 2008

Tom Sawyer

Here is the fence that I scavenged from the neighbor's yard. (They weren't using it.) I looked around to see what kind of fence I would like and I liked theirs. So I knocked on the door and introduced myself and asked if I could have their fence. And they thought about it and decided I could. There were a couple of problems. Like how I was going to get it from their yard to my yard. And the fact that it looks like it belongs in a scary cemetery. But I did not let that deter me.

I got six ten-foot sections from which I should be able to salvage about 3 pretty good sections. Some of the wood is in bad shape, but that is what gives it character. I like it. I have been working on sanding and today I started priming. Notice that there aren't any people in my fence pictures. Mark Twain would have you believe that if you start painting a fence people will show up and beg to help you. And give you things in the process. Here is the sanding. And the painting.

But no helpers. Dave says maybe I didn't look like I was having a good time. I don't think my passersby would know a good time if they saw one. Cause I was having a good time. I offered Dave the choice of sanding or painting and he chose painting. If he could have chosen to pass by he would have, but I didn't offer that as a choice. Doesn't he look like he is having a good time?
We also walked over to the building center and bought posts. Now I just need someone to help build the posts and reassemble my sections into a fence in my yard. Maybe Micah would like to do this. While he is here he can build me some storage cabinets over the dog kennel. And a few 'built-ins' in the big room. You know, in keeping with my 'craftsman style' house. I'd let him do that for me, cause I hate to keep all the fun to myself.


Abi said...

I notice you can't make the 'happy' picture of daddy bigger... perhaps you have 'doctored' this picture? :)

Amanda said...

i think painting your fence would be fun. i also think its strange that lately i have been updating more often than you. we should do something about that. love you lots!

Abi said...

Sad, you don't write anymore :(

Miss Brenda said...

Thanks for missing me.

Minnie said...

I have also been missing you! Are you too busy with your 2 jobs outside the home? Or maybe, Carter showed up to help!