Friday, September 05, 2008

Not On The Truck

Don't worry, I am not going to start whining now about the picnic table, or the grill, or my downstairs vacuum cleaner. What I am missing is my jean jacket. I really have no right to whine about this since I almost stole the jacket in the first place. I justified it by saying that the owner of the jacket moved and left it behind. In an odd twist of fate it seems I have left the jacket behind. Unwittingly. So if you have seen my jacket, if I left it with you or at your house or hanging on a clothesrack somewhere or in your car, I just want to say that it was quite by accident. I did not gift my jacket to you. I would appreciate it if you would return it. To me. (The original owner clearly has no rights remaining where this jacket is concerned. Sorry, Ab.)


Anastasia said...

Funny, I dont have my jean jacket either. i hope Ami didnt think i left it behind..Hear that AMI? I WANT IT BACK SOMEDAY!! l

Abi said...

I am speechless.. just the other day I was thinking 'I wish I had my jean jacket, but it's ok it's in a better place.' I hope that is still true for it. It is not at my house.

Amanda said...

but stas... it looks so good on me... :)

Abi said...

we are an odd bunch