Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Before and After

Yesterday we drove back to Lander to have the Booger's appliance repaired. On the way back we stopped at a Garden Center. Eight greenhouses. And a huge courtyard full of plants. Green plants. The STP had to drag me away. But before he got me to the car I had managed to latch on to a yarrow plant. And a big blue pot for the front porch. The STP agreed to get the pot for me for Mother's Day. Since we are going to be 'back east' for two weeks, I know I can not buy a lot of plants until we get back. In fact, I was not planting anything until June. So here is the geranium that I got for administrative assistant day at the bank. Alongside the new blue pot.

And here is a little lilac bush I couldn't resist when I ran into Walmart (through the Garden Center door) after the Cody track meet.

And here is a maple tree the STP and I bought together because it is ever so hopeful to plant a tree and because it was the grand opening of the new Pamida right here in Dodge City.

And here is my new yarrow.

And while we are 'touring the grounds' here are the two plants that survived the trip with the infamous truck.

And just to put things in perspective--here is the before:
And here is the current:

Except for one thing. After I took this picture this morning, the wind blew the gazing ball onto the sidewalk and smashed it to a million shards of blue iridescent glass.
(Into each yard a few dandelions must grow.)

Too bad I already got my Mother's Day present.


Minnie said...

I am so impressed with your green grass-that was from seed?? Love the blue pot-can't wait to see what gets planted in it.

Anastasia said...

Your before makes your after look like a lush tropical paradise!! let's hope it's genetic, My garden looks like dirt. and everyone refers to it as the toilet :)

Anastasia said...
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Abi said...

Wow, I tell you what sir, Wow!