Thursday, May 07, 2009

Just for Entering

My big contest is ongoing. Winners will be announced on Saturday. I am still waiting to hear form a few previously admitted readers. (If I don't receive a comment from Uncle Michael, then I will free to make disparaging comments about him in future entries.) Since there wasn't much interest in the Harvard Beet Recipe and since I am going to throw one thing away before I shower I am going to offer the recipe here for all of you. People in Dodge City think Harvard Beets are high faluting food from 'back East'. This recipe serves 4 people who like beets and about 14 people who don't like beets. In these 'tough economic times' this is a great food budget stretcher.

Harvard Beets

1 can diced beets, drained (reserve 1/4 c. juice)
2 t. cornstarch
1/4 c. sugar
1/4 c. reserved beet juice
2 T. vinegar
2 T. butter

1. Mix cornstarch and sugar.
2. Add beet juice slowly, stirring into a smooth paste.
3. Cook over low heat until slightly thickened.
4. Add vinegar and butter.
5. Stir to blend.
6. Pour over beets and heat through.


Uncle M said...

I'm not sure if this is a knitting blog or a dictionary blog, but I'm sure that only someone from 'back East' would put a 'g' on high-falutin.

nancyann said...

Miss Brenda....We have been reading over your blog entries from the last 2 1/2 years. We love you, you make us laugh and we need to make noodles again.

Jill said...

Come on the suspense is killing me...who's the winner???