Thursday, August 13, 2009

Aunt Vi

I am in the middle of a spray painting project. I am spray painting a filing cabinet sunrise yellow. So far I have emptied two cans and I still have a splotchy mess. And a headache. Maybe from breathing two cans worth of spraypaint fumes. Which made me start wondering about Aunt Vi again. And my memories of her. Seems I remember she had a boat. And she lived somewhere near Lewis burg. Or Lewis town. And she spraypainted her babies' shoes. (gold) And she spraypainted her shrubbery. (rainbow) And she had a goldfish pond in her backyard. And it was lined with spraypainted rocks. And in her basement there was at least one room lined with newspaper taped to the walls--with outlines of things she had spraypainted. And what I was wondering was if Aunt Vi really spraypainted things in a small enclosed room in her basement? And if she was related by blood or marriage? Anyone a little older than me or better memory than me (You know, whose brain isn't addled by paint fumes) who can help me out?
(L'il Chickie--you got anything on this one?)


MEL said...

Did Aunt Vi really exist? Are you telling me that my long-remembered dream of the technicolor fish pond was not a dream? My world has expanded to new dimensions...

Anastasia said...

all i know is that she was always held up as an example of why we should not start spray paining things. It's a slippery slope... Of course it just always made me want to be more like her.

are you telling me that she may have just been a dream uncle Michael had?! or that she mayhave just married in and i have no real claim to the spray paint genes?

nancyann said...

I remember a boat and the Susquehannna River flooding her house,(good thing she had a boat) but I don't remember things spray painted. Who was Aunt Vi married to?

Miss Brenda said...

Uncle Jay? I think we may need to call the parents on this one.