Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just Slap Me

This summer the STP said that if he ever starts a sentence with the words, "I know what the Bible says, BUT..." that we had permission to slap him.
So if I ever act like things are more important than people, just slap me.
If I ever tie money to relationships, just slap me.
If I ever forget that carrying my children around INSIDE me for 9 months was anything other than an enormous privilege and gift from God, just slap me.
If I ever act like my children owe me something for that, just slap me.
If I ever try to guilt you into anything, just slap me.
If I ever act holier-than-thou, just slap me.
Okay. Just slap me.

1 comment:

Prairie Mama said...

I'd be slapped around all of the time if I gave those permissions.
: )