As promised, here is the Square Foot Garden garden update. Following the guide of the Square Foot Garden book. Remember the amazing STP built the raised bed. Complete with little decorative corners. You can review that process here. And then I began a search for vermiculite. The Co-op guy is still working on this one. I did find small bags of too fine vermiculite at the not-quite-a-stuff-mart here in Dodge City. If the garden does not grow, it will be the Co-op guy's fault.
To start we mixed three bags of compost. (Because even though the STP built me a compost bin, you can not make good compost in three days.)
And then we planted the carefully chosen crops.
Two cherry tomato plants. One pumpkin. One miniature rhubarb (I don't think it is supposed to be a miniature, that's just how it's turned out so far.). Four Walla Walla onions. Two sweet peppers and two jalapeno peppers. (At this point we can't remember which are which, but when they get peppers, we will know.) Two square feet of lettuce. Basil. Cilantro. Four marigolds. And carrots.
The STP's hunting mentor told me I should not calculate the price per pound for mule deer steaks. Likewise, we will not calculate the price per pound for cherry tomatoes. But just remember, these are totally organic cherry tomatoes. Watered with pure Wyoming rain water.
Looking good Miss Brenda, Looking good!
just wait til i post pictures of what I'M growing... :)
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