Friday, March 11, 2011

When Life Gives You Lemons

You can make lemon meringue pie.  No, really.  If I can do it, you can do it. 
Since the arrival of 6 lemons in our last bountiful basket the Goob has been plotting a pie.  I have been plotting how not to make a pie.  How about lemon bars?  Lemonade?  Just putting the lemons in a clear glass container or a bowl on the table? 
I was not sure if I had ever made a lemon meringue pie.  Half-way through the meringue spreading, I was sure I had never made a lemon meringue pie.  I would remember this.  (Although maybe I had it filed deep in my memory file.  Under "Things I never want to do again.")

The Goob crossed 'zesting a lemon' off the list of life skills he should aquire before leaving home.  And he learned that 'stirring constantly' and 'remove from heat' are important instructions to follow.  And we both were surprised to learn that the yellow color of lemon pie filling comes from egg yolks, not lemons as we had suspected.  Also, making a lemon meringue pie takes about three days.  And only uses 3 lemons.  But it is so doable.  And so much better made with fresh lemons than with a box of lemon pudding/pie filling.  In fact, it is downright delicious.  I was so impressed with myself and my pie baking skill (note 'shiny', 'peaks' and 'lightly browned' in relation to my meringue!) that I was thinking of changing my last name to Crocker.  Then I remembered that I had unrolled the crust from a box labelled "Pillsbury."

We have three lemons left.  I am going to make them into lemonade before the Goob gets home from school. 


Sarah Elizabeth said...

Mmmm... I think I'm coming to your house.

Abi said...

Oh Sarah I'll come too... maybe you need to make another pie Miss Brenda. :)