Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In Search of Spring

This is my newest flower bed.  It exists mostly in my imagination and on the east side of my house.  In my imagination it is lush and green.  It will require some hard work, extended attention, and quite possibly divine intervention this summer to approach my hope for it.  Who would have guessed this is where Spring would show up first.  What?  You don't see it?  Look a little closer.

Still no sign of the daffodils, but I was so excited to see these little red sprouts.  In the Fall the STP cut me some plant markers from a milk jug.  And I used them to label the dirt, so I would know where to look for my perennials.  And I know what these sprouts will grow into.  And I couldn't be more excited.
Want to guess?  I'll give you a hint

Oh, and did I mention, it is snowing again today.  (The daffodils are under the ground high-fiving each other on their decision to stay put a few more days.)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

for some reason this morning i thought i was reading sarahs blog and i couldnt figure out what the STP was doing at her house...