Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ms Brenda's Excellent Adventure

And Reasonable Resolution #3

One of last year's reasonable resolutions was to read one book a month.   Which quickly became two books a month.  Because reasonable resolutions are just that easy to keep. 
For Christmas this year the STP got me a Kindle.  With a great green case.  And before I left for my trip I downloaded Harry Truman's Excellent Adventure  (based on Amazon's recommendation, the fact that my favorite brother is currently reading his way through presidential biographies, and the fact that it was less than three dollars.)  While I traveled East I read the first part of the book in which Harry and Bess also travel East.  And on the way home I finished the book--dropping Harry and Bess off as close to Independence, Missouri as I could from my Boeing. 
A quote for you: 
Truman didn't think much of memorials to the living.  "You can never tell what foolishness they may get into before the get into a pine box and then the memorial sometimes has to be torn down." 
Also, I would like to take a road trip with the STP and stop at bizarre little diners.  And write down everything we eat, and save all the gas receipts in the glove compartment.  I am adding this to my bucket list right after 'Visit Paris'. 

And I am going to do some research on Madonnas of the Trail statues.  Because I think these must be a cross between Muffler Men and the Mother of All Mother statues. 

For the record, I also finished Henry Blackaby's book on Leadership this month.  It is called:
Spiritual Leadership: Movin...                  Henry T. Black...
I am pretty sure there is more to the title than that, but that is all that fits on my Kindle screen.  I like my Kindle but I have not mastered it.  I can highlight and take notes, but I'm not sure how to access them.  And I have no idea how 'big' the book is.  I know how far along I am.  37%...52%...86%   Which is one step better than holding your book closed with your finger marking your place and guessing how far along you are.  But there is no sense of how thick the book is.  Like is it a little paperback, or a big honking thick book?   For some reason this is important information for me.  I will have to judge my kindle books by how long they take to read.  A bubble bath book.  A two day I am not getting off the couch book.  A month long book.  An I'll never finish this I need the space on my Kindle I might as well delete this book. 

Reasonable Resolution #3--Read two books a month in 2012.

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