Saturday, May 12, 2012

Flamingo Invasion

The local youth center is doing a flamingo fundraiser.  Where they put a flock of tacky  pink flamingoes in your yard and make you pay money to have them removed.  This week they put them in my yard. 
One problem.  Tacky pink flamingoes are right at home in my yard.
 So I was not highly motivated to pay to have them removed.  I contemplated keeping them.  But then the local youth center staff contemplated charging me rent for the flock.  So I had them come and get them.  And I paid extra to have them delivered to the front yard of my choosing.  I did not, however, pay the 'flock insurance' that would keep them from coming back.  Just in case someone wants to send tham back where they belong.

1 comment:

Abi said...

Love it! Did you check to ensure your two flamingos had not flown the coop to join the flock?