Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pounding Nails

While I was assembling my pallet edging I hit my ring finger with a hammer.  How exactly I managed to whap the end of my ring finger while hammering a nail is still an unanswered question.  Because I was in such I-might-throw-up-pain right after it happened that I don't have a clear memory of the actual event. (What I do have is a is a purple swollen ring finger, with nail that might fall off in the not too distant future.)  I had to lay down flat on the floor while I iced it because I thought I might pass out.  Obviously I could not pound any more nails and the STP had to finish the edging. 
All the while Izma's voice was ringing in my head.  "Smash it with a hammer."
Not exactly brilliant, I tell you.

1 comment:

Anastasia said...

at least your finger and toe will match.....