Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Thank Full, Gluten Free

76.  Thankful for gluten-free flour mixes that I can substitute one to one in recipes.
77.  Thankful for gluten-free lasagna noodles that are good enough to eat.
78.  Thankful for new recipes.  Skillet spinach lasagna.  I thought it was yummy.  Even gluten-free. The Goob did not try it.  He was offended that I would make lasagna in a pot on the stovetop.  He is a cooking snob.
79. Thankful the Goob has learned to cook.  Although his soul sucking job schedule precludes him from cooking very much and he has regressed to eating a lot of pop tarts, pizza, and Mac and cheese.
80.  Thankful for old recipes.  Pumpkin bars ready for tomorrow when my favorite sister and my mom come to visit.

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