Sunday, November 03, 2019

Thinking Thankfully

Today we had a guest speaker at church who shared his testimony. An amazing story of an African refugee who traveled through 8 nations to arrive in Buffalo, NY, and the part an Operation Christmas Child shoebox played in his story.  Truly amazing and inspirational.
I was reminded of my own story.  Not nearly as remarkable.  No war, abuse, rebellion, drug use, or trauma in my story.  I have what a pastor once described as a ‘good girl testimony.’  But it's really no less miraculous that I once was lost, but now am found. (In Owego, NY.)  That there is a God that saves from sin.  A God that changes lives and hearts.
Thankful to have been raised in a stable family
Thankful I have never been hungry
Thankful I have always been loved
Thankful for a generous church family
Thankful that God knows my past, my present, and my future
Thankful for electricity, clean running water, heat
Thankful for health
Thankful for the promise of a new week—this week I am getting a haircut, licensing the SLD, going out for lunch, and having a job interview, getting my car serviced
Thankful for plans
Thankful that Kelsey D. taught me so many years ago that I need to be open to changing my plans

That’s 30 things I am thankful for this November.  Just in case anyone is counting.

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