Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Today's Superpower

"What would your superpower be today?" The question presumes that I may choose my superpower. I usually have to verify whether my choice is just for today, or if it will have permanent consequences. Sometimes I have to choose my own logo, and where it would go on my supersuit. I used to just choose flying, or excessive speed or strength. But because I have lived with a boy child for 13 years, I am now more adept at answering the question. So yesterday I wanted to be able to grow things (like plants) any where and whenever I wanted to. I could grow vines faster than Spiderman could spin webs. I could grow huge oaks to block the path of my arch nemesis. (I could grow grass in my yard.) My calling card would be a green leaf with a distinctive shape. My name? Green Thumb. I just couldn't decide if I was good or evil. I guess it depends on if you find ivy growing over everything you own frightening or enchanting.
Last week I wanted to have one eye that worked like a telescope with impressive zoom power. And capable of even greater magnification. Like a microscope. So I could just look at you and zoom in on one freckle. Or one skin cell. My name? i-mom. Definately one of the good guys. I would work with a whole network of other moms. Some with eyes in the back of their heads. I'm not exactly sure what I would do with this superpower. I did use it to impress a five year old at the track meet. He was waiting for his sister to throw the discus. (Waiting seems to be a common theme at track meets.) He told me he was a superhero. I said I was also a superhero and, incidentally, so was my son. How odd that the three of us would find each other at a middle school track meet in Cody, WY. His name was Battlewar and his super powers involved running really fast and flying. Novice. He did, however, have a theme song, which he sang for us himself. I suggested he get a sidekick, but in his most incredible voice he said, "I work alone."
I thought perhaps my boy child would never grow up, but now that he is teenager, I find myself nostalgic for the five year old who wore his Robin costume through the streets of Salamanca.
Today I wish my superpower was fixing broken dental appliances. I may be getting too old to be a supermom.


nancyann said...

I also have a 13 yo that once wore a Reepicheep costume on the streets of Salamanca. The streets were much safer 13 years ago!

nancyann said...

I was in Cody, Wy back in 1980 when I took a little trip along with Donald Lane across the Mighty Missisip.

Miss Brenda said...

Nancyann--You should come to WY again, and bring your 13 yo.

Abi said...

did you sing your theme song for him?

Miss Brenda Miss Brenda Miss Brenda Brenda Brenda Brenda Brenda.... Oh where is my Penny Shaker?!

Samantha said...

you are never to old to be a supermom