Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Did You Hear About the Havener's?

My sister called to see if I was in the witness protection program. Seems she saw the trailer about the new movie "Did You Hear About the Morgan's" about a well to do couple from the East coast who witness a murder and are swept away to WYoming. She should have known it wasn't about us at 'well to do'. And I haven't witnessed any crime lately, and contrary to what my mother believes, I have not committed any crime which warrants excommunication to WY. But then I watched the trailer myself. And it does seem that maybe some Hollywood type has been reading my blog and stealing, er, gathering ideas. So I went back through the last year here and if there is a scene in the movie about buying a flyfishing outfit then I will sue for royalties.
And then I figured out who Lil Chickie is. The writer/producer.
So I am just glad that Sarah Jesssica plays me and that Hugh Grant is cast as my adoring husband.
We have been in WY now for over a year. Here is how I know:
1. I drove the car in Billings last week and was perturbed by 'all the traffic'.
2. I didn't feel the need to report to you that it was 25 degrees below zero last week. All week.
3. The Steelers lost-again-and I got out of bed the next day.
4. I went to a Christmas party at the Elks and didn't take sneaky pictures of the numerous mounted elk heads on the wall--even though they were all wearing santa hats.
5. I know several women (besides Sarah Palin) who can field dress a moose.


Abi said...


Amanda said...

well i know where you can get a milkshake large enough to float a moose... thats good too right? lol

Abi said...

can moose--es float?

Amanda said...

maybe the phrase was 'swim a moose' either way they seem like the kind of animal that would just sink.