Friday, December 04, 2009

Ms Brenda's Medical Minute...

...OR Does Ben Rothelisberger Even Have One Brain?
Today I want to weigh in on Ben Rothelisberger and his wussy concussion. Since I am not in Pittsburgh I do not get the all-Steelers-all-the-time news. But I figure if the NFL Network is discussing this, that it is all any one in Pittsburgh is talking about. So here is what I think:
If Ben Rothelisburger was my son and he called me last Thursday evening and said he had a headache, I would have told him to quit right then. Forget Sunday's game. Forget the playoffs. Forget his 'career'. (I'm guessing he might already have forgotten quite a bit.) I'm pretty sure I would have said, "You only have one brain. And you have rattled it around in your head enough. Just quit." And then I would have called the school, er, coach. And I would have said that my Ben will not be playing football this week. Or next. Thank you very much. And then, as much as I like Hines Ward, I would have just shot him a text message. Mind your own business. Period.
In my file of 'Interesting Articles' I have a clipping from Sports Illustrated. About the underappreciation and misrepresentation of head injuries. About the conclusion that athletes who sustain multiple concussions risk permanent impairment. About the slowed ability to process information following a concussion. About how the sports community overall needs to reevaluate how they diagnose and treat concussions. The article was in SI in response to another NFL quarterback who suffered his 4th concussion in three years.* The article was from October 11th,..... 1999. 10 years ago. This article was of interest to me ten years ago because my one of my precious daughters took a soccer ball to the head at soccer camp one evening. (Her camp evaluation noted how 'tough 'she was.) I told my precious daughters who played soccer back then to avoid heading the ball at all costs. I told them they only had one brain. I told them I didn't care what the coach said. None of them are playing professional soccer today. I'll take the blame for that.
*This probably explains why Steve Young has trouble stringing together commentary that makes any sense.


Unknown said...

So, this is why Ben didn't play and the Steelers lost to the Ravens? Women started clipping Sports Illustrated articles and watching the NFL network!?

Miss Brenda said...

James-expect your first text message when the bell tolls one. As for Ben and the Raven's-I was merely commenting on things that have been. That they are what they are, do not blame me.

nancyann said...

What else have you found in your box of mayhem and foolishness?