Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Case of the Missing STP

The STP is on a missions trip to Mexico.  He has been gone for two days and I am discovering things that I miss about him that I didn't know I would miss.  For instance:
1.  He takes the garbage out. 
2.  He does the dishes when I don't feel like it.  (And evidently, I hardly ever feel like it.)
3.  He changes the roll of toilet paper.
4.  He packs the Goob's lunch.
5.  He takes the Goob to school and reminds him of the 'game rules'.
6.  He refills the dog food container.
7.  He keeps pellets in the pellet stove.
8.  He plays with the dog.
9.  He sets the alarm clock.
10.He helps me find my phone when I lose it.
11.He gives me a reason to go to bed instead of staying up late watching stupid TV.

So to make up for all the missing things, the Goob and I are being gluten gluttons this week.  Hopefully a little chocolate cake with peanut butter icing and a pizza ordered in will get us through.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

sounds like a good plan to me :)