Monday, August 16, 2010

Be The Cart

I have a dozen things to blog about, but I have been spending my computer time online shopping.  I actually filled my shopping cart twice this week and then checked out.  First I did the Goob's back to school shopping.  The Goob is easy to shop for.  He wears 'whatever is on top'.  He has no desire to try things on.  He never feels the need to see how he looks in a mirror.  So I just plug in tall and skinny jeans and buy whatever is available.  Free shipping at JCPenney.  I am expecting them any day.  School starts next week.  The Goob will probably have something to wear. 
I also bought a gift online.  And had it gift wrapped.  And had it shipped to the recipient.  I qualified for free shipping, but after I checked out they told me the expected shipping date would be two days after the event. And it graciously gave me a chance to edit my order.  So I decided to change the shipping to Two Day and just see how much that would cost.  And it would cost way more than having a gift arrive on time was worth to me.  But once I clicked Two Day shipping there was no backing up my shopping cart.  My shopping cart was just sucked full speed ahead into the part of cyberspace from which there is evidently no return.  While I was still frantically crying, "No, No!" and hitting 'back' and 'escape',  my shopping cart had already sent me an e-mail thanking me for my order and coldly informing me that my order was being prepared for shipping and could not be changed. 
When I returned to my account and clicked on my shopping cart here is what it had to say:

Your Shopping Cart is empty.

Your Shopping Cart lives to serve.

Really?  Lives to serve?  The irony here is that when you ask me to do something that makes me feel put upon, I speak my native language (sarcasm) and respond, "Of course I will do that for you because I live to serve."   
Just a reminder to myself that it is one thing to claim to live to serve, and another to actually live to serve.  I'll keep working on this one. 

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