Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Dog Ate My Homework

The Goob started High School this week.  How is this possible?  Oh, I know.  He has had a great support system.  A dad to remind him of 'the rules' as he drops him off at school each morning.  A mom who makes sure there is food in the house so he never has to buy a school lunch.  And a dog to eat do his homework. 

In other Goob News:  He got his braces on earlier this month.  It was pretty much a non-event. (Which is really a big deal if you recall the ordeal that it has been getting to this point in our orthodontial journey.)

And in a stunning election upset, he is the freshman class treasurer.  So I guess he won't be dropping out after eighth grade after all.  

1 comment:

Abi said...

dixi- I also bribe myself to get through tough assignments. :)