Friday, October 08, 2010

Mother Of The Bride

I have a few thoughts on being the mother of the bride.  This past weekend was my third time to be the MOTB.  (One good thing about having three daughters is that I got three chances to try and get it right.)  But it's something I hope never to do again.  The STP has officiated a lot of weddings over the years.  Some have lasted 25 years.  Some lasted less than 6 months.  I'm hoping these three are of the long lasting variety.  The STP had this to say at the rehearsal about the MOTB:  Last one in, first one out (I guess pastors have those little sayings to help them remember things.  Along the lines of Spring ahead and Fall back.) 
This week the STP told me I could not text Princess Amidala while she was on her honeymoon.  That was, of course, after he caught me texting her.  (In all fairness, I just texted to see if it was alright for me to text her.)  The STP overruled me and I have been abiding by his silly male sensible advice.  But I just want to say that it is not fair. Do I want the Prince formerly known as boyfriend  new husband  Raving Raven  He-Who-Does-Not-Even-Have-Blog-Name to think he can have her all to himself?  I do not.  Do I like it, even a little bit, that when something wonderful happens she will tell him first and not even think to call me?  I do not. Do I want to have to think twice before I send her a text? I do not.
I know it is good.  I know it makes for a healthy relationship.  I know I have to mind my own business.  I know my role has changed and that I really don't want it any other way.  But I do not have to like being the first one out.


Abi said...

I admit, I texted... twice. but in all fairness she texted me first.

Amanda said...

Momma you make me cry! i love you so so much and i just want you to know there was more than one time this past week that i wanted to text but i knew i wasnt supposed to...