Saturday, October 02, 2010

Wedding Eve

Spent the day with our little family today.  Four kids, two in-laws, two grandkids, one adopted almost a daughter.  Slept in, strolled part way across the bridge for the local Bridge Bust festival, finished last minute wedding decorations, went out to eat, and took a family picture along the Susquehanna (because who knows when we will all be together again).  We will of course all be together tomorrow and we will be adding one more in-law to the family.  It is encouraging to see how comfortable we have become with each other since the current in-laws came into the family three years ago.  Hopeful that the new acquisition will be smoothly assimilated as well. 

1 comment:

Abi said...

I'm glad that Ami is smiling so much since I am almost certain Claire was practicing her face for ALL the wedding pictures :)