Friday, October 22, 2010

Taking the Choke out of Artichoke

Artichokes.  Just the name is less than appetizing.  I've eaten artichoke dip, but never just an artichoke.  Until last week when I steamed two artichokes.  Just because I got them in the  co-op basket.  I followed the directions.  And the Goob and I agreed that eating an artichoke is a lot like eating a crab.  You have to remove the spiny parts.  And steam them.  And tear them apart with your bare hands.  And you season them to make them palatable. And you pile up the inedible parts.  And there are precious few edible parts in comparison to the pile of inedible parts.  You don't eat the gilly/hairy parts.  (In the artichoke the hairy part is called the choke. You have to remove the choke to get to the heart which is the most edible part.) 
Knowing how to eat a crab and an artichoke will come in handy if the new Uncle M buys a beach house and invites us to spend a week. Or if we are desperate for a butter delivery system.  Or if either the Goob and I are ever marooned on an island with a volleyball.  Which is how we suppose someone discovered that crabs and artichokes could be eaten in the first place. 
Tomorrow we get another basket of fruits and vegetables.  Otra dia. Otra adventura.

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