Thanks to Google for pointing out that today is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Bunsen of bunsen burner fame. I love me a good lab reference. I like the smell of pseudomonas. And the way E. coli looks on EMB agar. Just thought you should know.
He studied the river; then he pulled his pack of dry flies out from a vest pocket and opened it, revealing dozens of fuzzy flies of all sizes. Maddie came closer to watch as he poked around the small compartments with his index finger, deliberating.(Can't you just feel the tension here? Doesn't the fly fishing innuendo make your cheeks flush?)
"Look at all those. How do you know which one to choose?" Maddie asked.
"Well, you--" he began.
Mia interrupted him. "You look at the river then you look at your flies then you poke around with your finger at the mess of flies in your pack, and then you just pick something small, brown, and fuzzy, give it a funny name like Mr. Big's Breakfast, and go for it."
Maddie burst out laughing.
Stuart lifted his sunglassed and met Mia's gaze. They shared a silent, commiserating laugh. He handed her a brown fuzzy fly.
"Here you go. Mr Big's Breakfast."
You see, no matter how much stuff you have for fishing, there's always more stuff you need. There's always new great stuff that you absolutely have to have, even though you didn't know you needed it before you saw it in a catalog. Fishermen spend hours poring over catalogs to find new stuff they can't possible get along without. It's wonderful!