Monday, October 24, 2011

SFG Wrap-up

Using these last beautiful fall days to clean out the garden and flower beds and boxes.  Last week I cleaned out the SFG.  A few garden notes:
The late developing peppers developed too late to be of any value.  A waste of 4 square feet.
It was a better year than last for onions.
Pumpkins are more fun to grow than zucchini.
Chocolate cherry tomatoes do NOT taste like chocolate covered cherries. 
The last veggies out of the garden were the carrots.  My square foot garden book says you can leave them in the ground, but, really, there was just enough left for a meal for a family of three (one of whom never eats vegetables).  So I harvested and sliced and cooked them up for supper.
And that's when I started having second thoughts.  Because I remembered a micro lab from PSU where we innoculated raw carrot slices with a virus that caused carrot tumors.  And what always bothered me about that lab was not that people like my lab partner had access to cancer causing viruses, but that carrot cells were alive long after they were pulled from the earth.  And so I was about to boil my carrots alive.  And all those carrots I munched right out of the garden--I had eaten them alive.  Bordering on cannabalism if you think too hard about it. 
So I moved on to think about other things.  Like why that carrot tumor lab was one of the only labs I could remember. 
Actually, I can remember one more.  A physiology lab in which we were doing some sort of surgery on a rat and my lab partner and I over-anesthetized our rat.  And he died.  And the grad assistant gave the rat mouth to mouth resucitation and that gave my lab partner and I a fit of giggles.  Which irritated the life out of the grad assistant.  And the rat stayed dead.  Which made it easier to do the surgery.  Because I have an aversion to slicing up living things. 
And that reminded me of the movie scene where the student saves the lab frogs by aiding their escape.  Only I couldn't place the scene.  Which led me on a search from Maryland to Googleland.  Amidala couldn't place it.  The Goob couldn't place it.  Google and the STP knew exactly where it was.  The STP found it in his databank faster than Google.  I rewarded him by serving him carrots.  Dead carrots. 
It's a wonder I get anything done.  

1 comment:

Amanda said...

your carrots look great! glad your SFG worked out well again this year :) sorry i was no help with the ET reference