Thursday, August 02, 2012

Putt Putt, Kiss Kiss

Played a round of mini golf with the STP this past weekend.  And maybe for the first time ever I beat him.  And I got a hole in one on the last hole and won a free game.  Not too shabby. 
But the shot of the evening belonged to the STP.  Who had hit his ball onto the neighboring green.  (Not the shot of the evening, but part of the reason I managed to beat him.)  And then used his putter to flip the ball back onto the green we were playing on and right into the hole.  Unbelievable.  And we were standing there in awe lamenting that there was no video, and describing it to someone who had missed it.  And then the STP set up the shot again.  And made it again. And there is still no video and not even a still picture.  And the description does not do it justice.  So you will just have to trust me how amazing it was. 
I am proud to know that man.  I might treat him to another game before the summer ends.

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