Thursday, August 02, 2012

Blue Beary Pie

Hey look!  The kitchen counter is clean.  There is no sign that some very serious baking  has gone on here.  Like three pie serious.
Hey wait!  What is that on the table?  Could it be a blueberry pie, made with fresh blueberries?
Say what?  I own a grizzly bear cookie cutter?  Oh , yes I do!  And I know how to use it.
Ta Da!  Ms. Brenda bakes a blue-beary pie. 
 Oh, and a blue-coyote pie. 

And a rhubarb crumble pie if you are keeping count.  It just took me the better part of a day--to psych myself up to do it.  And one whole morning to put them together.  And the better part of the afternoon to clean up the mess.  I hate pies.


Amanda said...

blue-berry! HA! laughing out loud at work this morning, and suddenly craving pie :)

Minnie said...

yummy-I made a vanilla cheesecake last evening. Sorry I don't know how to post pictures (actually I never take pictures)