Monday, August 27, 2012

The Great Zucchini

The Great Zucchini was about 2 square feet all by itself.**

It was roughly the same size as the SLD.  Who was not cooperative when it came to having her picture taken with the Great Zucchini.

So I happily posed with the Great Zucchini myself.  Because Super Aunt Brenda recognizes greatness when she sees it.

And then I introduced the Great Zucchini to the Amazing Food Processor.

And then I measured, mixed, preheated and baked.

And then I pondered the open kitchen trend.  Because whenever I make anything in the kitchen, my kitchen looks like this.

And like this.

And I would like my kitchen to be totally closed off from the rest of my house.  Not open to my living space.  No matter how much entertaining I plan to do.

(Maybe I would feel differently if I had granite countertops.)
In the end the mess was cleaned up, and the Great Zucchini was transformed in to (Gluten-free) Chaisin Nut Zucchini Bread.  And (Gluten free) Chocolate Cherry Chip Zucchini Bread.  And (Don't even think about it STP) Almost Pina Colada Zucchini Bread.
This blog entry is dedicated to my super hero--the STP--who restored my ability to post pictures in a single keystroke.  I love that man.  Even if my mom didn't name me Lois.

**Also of note (and in the spirit of full disclosure) I did not grow the Great Zucchini in my square Foot Garden.  I was just trying it on. 


Abi said...

Two things:
1.did the great zucchini come in your basket!?!
2. Are they out of their minds!

Miss Brenda said...

The Great Zucchini showed up in the church lobby.
And I brought it home because:
1. I felt sorry for it
2. I am out of my mind

MEL said...

Great zucchinis are usually from blind or lazy gardeners.