Saturday, November 01, 2014

Let's be Thankful

As is the custom,during the month of November, I will attempt to list 100 things for which I am thankful.  As always, I am thankful to God.  And the order is not relative to the importance, value, or level of gratitude.
New this year, I will try to list three things every day.  And I will try to expound on the items.
I started early, so if you want you can catch up here and here.

7.  Grout.  The bathroom in the house next door was grouted this week.  Thankful to be one step closer to having the project done. Thankful that I chose white instead of gray grout.  Want to see why?  I will post pictures on the House Next Door Facebook page. Because I am too lazy to upload them from my phone to my computer.
8.    Hot beverages.  I really identify with Sheldon's mom here.  Offered myself a cup of green tea this morning to start my day.  Like sipping encouragement straight from the mug.
9.  Day Light Savings.  Added my hour to the middle of my day today.  Used the time to empty my rain barrel, shovel some gravel, put away my laundry, and vacuum the basement stairs.  If I had to live an extra hour this was a beautiful day to do it.

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