Monday, November 02, 2009

Speaking of Minimal Effort

The Goob wore his bedsheet ghost costume again this year. The big difference from last year is that he is so much taller that the ghost appeared to be floating rather that dragging along the ground. (And he tripped over his costume less.) On his way to a party, he made a few stops where people had their porch lights on. His theory is that people with their porch lights on WANT kids in costume to come to the door so they can give them candy. (I'm not sure they want to give candy to six foot tall bedsheet ghosts carrying pillowcases.) Here he is with the best part of his 'haul'. What a Goober.


Anastasia said...

SIX FEET? no way he is six feet, even in costume!

Miss Brenda said...

Perhaps I exaggerated...