Sunday, August 29, 2010

To The Dump, To The Dump

Yesterday I hung out all day with the STP.  We worked together on two projects. And he took me out. 
To the dump.  One of our projects was the rock border along the sidewalk.  We put in about 65 ft. of edging and dug out an equivalent amount of dirt.  We loaded the dirt in the wheelbarrow, and then into the truck, and then we hauled it to the dump and unloaded it.  At the dump.  I didn't even know such a place existed.  It is like a dumpster on steroids.  (This summer we dumpster-dived some wood, two saw horses, and legs for a camping/potting table.)  On our first trip to the dump I brought back some grass clippings to add to my compost.  On our second trip to the dump I dump-dived some animal hair for my fly-tying supply box.  I spied a pile of bricks at the dump, but they were behind a fence, and the STP is a stickler about Keep Out signs.
The edging is all in and now we just need to haul more rocks.  From out by the beet dump.  (Which is NOT a place to dump rotten beets, but a place to gather beets together after harvesting before they are hauled for processing.) Good thing the STP has a truck.  (I am going to learn to drive it right after we have all the rocks hauled.)
After supper, the STP and I watched a Tom Hanks movie together.  There's nobody I'd rather spend the day with.  (And of course, I'm talking about the STP, not Tom Hanks.)


Brenda's Man said...

My life would be so boring without you! I love you Brenda!

Denise said...

I love going to the dump! My man has been taking me for 21 of the 23 years we have bee n married!