Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Saving My Grandkids

The Queen of Queens called today and asked me to tell her just one terrible thing she did when she was little.  Something that would offset her one and only son toppling the Christmas tree over on top of himself. 
So I reminded her that she was the two year old who stood on the dining room table and twisted the hanging lamp until the cord snapped, the glass fixture crashed to the table, and glass shattered and sprayed all around the room and over all three of my baby girls.  And then the cord hanging from the ceiling caught fire.  On a Sunday morning of the church Christmas program. 
And then I reminded her that she was the four year old who took a pair of scissors and cut a hole in my couch when she was supposed to be having a 'quiet time' (or was it a time out?).  My couch that was just a few months old. 
I think Nick will live to see another day.


Amanda said...

i laughed out loud at this post :)

Roxi said...