Monday, December 26, 2011

The Project Reveal

The Project arrived in NYC and the BGITWs have unwrapped it, so I can finally show it to you.
Have you been as anxious to see this as I have been to show it to you?

I think you will have to see all four sides to fully appreciate it. 
It fits over a card table and it was frightfully fun to make.  My only regret is that I don't have more grandchildren.  Oh wait.  My other regret is that I don't live close enough to play in it with the ones I have.  Have I mentioned lately that the house next door to me is still for sale?


Amanda said...

oh oh oh! i never noticed the stars before!!! it turned out great! you are the most awesome GB in the world :)

Abi said...

Princess Claire is inside her castle as I type ... "I command you to get me some milk"... it's all gone to her head. Thank you to the Most Wonderful Mama in the World!