Friday, February 19, 2010

Open to Suggestions

At the suggestion of FaceBook, I have added a new friend this morning.  One of my options for my other friend requests is 'Add to List'.  I thought this might be a good idea so that my wannabe friends weren't just hanging out there.  It's not that I'm not considering your requests, just that I haven't reached a decision yet.  But when I clicked "Add to List' FaceBook told me that I did not have a list.  Go figure. 
FaceBook's other suggestion this morning is that I buy a Penn State vacation home just 4 miles from Beaver Stadium.  If I did, I would give all my FaceBook friends  my brother Michael a key so he could use it anytime.  Because I think today is his birthday.  (Or it could have been the 17th.  I'm pretty sure it is a prime number between 10 and 20 in February.  This is what happens to a brain over 50 years old.)  In honor of his birthday I would like to post this poem which (may I suggest?) is the most romantic poem ever written about prime numbers. I stole plaigarized copied borrowed published this poem from the blog of a friend of a FaceBook friend of mine.



That song comes on the radio,
and I bite my lip
and think of you.
Baby, we're like
the two factors
of a prime number.
Together we make something unique,
a combination unable to be recreated
by any two others.
Girl, I'm like the number,
and you are

the one.

If I were young and single, I would accept a FaceBook suggestion to be friends with this guy.

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