Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You Be Spock, I'll Be Kirk

When I signed onto FaceBook, it suggested three friends.  My middle brother, his wife, and a pastor who went to the same camp that I did 23 years ago.  (Not in that order.)  Based only on my name. And a fake birth date.  I went back later and edited my profile.  I put in my high school, my college, my real birthdate.  Today I had 15 people who wanted to be my friend.  And a bunch more suggested friends.  Some names I recognized.  Others were based on this:  She went to Penn State.  Oh, well, that is a great basis for a friendship.  (If we both lived in a non-English speaking foreign country, perhaps.)
I confirmed one friend, and then I panicked.  Is there a response to a friend request besides confirm?  I want a choice that is "Are you sure?"  Are you absolutely positive you want to be my friend?  Because I am not a very good friend.  I'm not good at keeping in touch.  I seldom remember your birthday.  I'm bad at gifting.
I will rarely have a fight with you, or say things behind your back.  I'll just move on.  I don't replace you.  I'm not malicious.  It is just that I have to make new friends in new places and that takes all my friend energy. 
Once I had a really good friend.  And she moved on.  She stopped calling me.  Conversations were strained and then she stopped taking my calls.  I showed up unannouced at her house one day and knocked on the door.  She let me in because her kids were home.  (If they hadn't been there I think she would have hidden behind the couch until I went away.)  Can't we still be friends?  And she said , "We will be as good of friends as we have ever been."  Which it turned out was the Star Trek equivalent of saying, "I am not, and never have been, your friend." 
So I don't know how to handle my FaceBook friend requests. 
I could use a friend.  I'm just not sure I can be a friend.  And I'm not sure that FaceBook is the entity that should be choosing my friends.
(I facebook friended my brother.  You don't really have the same choices when it comes to family.)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i cant believe you are on facebook.