Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bring the Tupperware

Our old friend Josh taught us the best thing to bring to Thanksgiving dinner--our Tupperware. 
This year we hosted a small Thanksgiving affair.  It was a rather last minute event.  I bought the smallest turkey I could find on the last day possible to thaw it in time for today.  When I bought the turkey no one was coming for Thanksgiving dinner.  (That will be 4 pounds of turkey for each of us and the Goob's mouth is so sore from having his braces adjusted that he can't chew anything.)  Today there were 7 us.  It was the best turkey I ever roasted.  I really wanted to take a picture of it, but I was already gloating, so in the interest of not being overly prideful, I refrained.  But trust me, it was awesome.  And after I sent a little home with the guests, I still have leftovers safely stored in my own tupperware. 
So this evening I am thankful for:
91.  Changed plans
92.  Moist, tender, delicious, melt in your mouth turkey
93.  Gluten-free gravy over mashed potatoes
94.  Cheesecake with caramel and chocolate
95.  Leftovers
96.  Friends who are willing to take a risk on my cooking
97.  Friends who bring their own tupperware
98.  Macy's
99.  Football to nap to
100.  My dog
101.  My God

So it wasn't quite Perkin's, but as Thankgivings go, it was a good one. 

Just as an observation: when you choose your Thanksgiving guests there is less drama than having a big family Thanksgiving with your big family. Not as much pressure to make a perfect pie or decide who will bring the rolls.  Not as much analyzing of what 'she' might have meant by that comment, or jockeying for position, or bickering over left overs from years past.  Not as much chance that someone will get mad and leave early.  No need to use paper plates for fear someone will throw things.  I miss our big family.  I almost miss Perkin's.

1 comment:

Abi said...

I ate at a resturant this year... so at least one of us did :) Glad your thanksgiving was good.
and way to go on 100!