Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Up To The Plate

The STP ate barbeque in Kansas City.  At the barbeque place featured in the state special on the History channel.  Because Mr Personality is naturally drawn to popular places.  (I missed it because I was reading something.)
We did share a meal with family friends at a place called the Flying Saucer.  (Because you can take the STP out of Mars, but you can't take Mars out of the STP.)  They did not have a flying saucer ala Mars Boro, but they did have 200 varieties of beer.
If you tried all 200, you could be a member of the UFO Club. 

Don't imagine that we were there for the beer.

We were there for the food.

And to gather decorating ideas.

And ministry ideas.
Just picture offering plates lining the walls of the church sanctuary.  Embossed with the names of tithers and their favorite scripture quotes. 
I expect giving will increase significantly.

1 comment:

LoveIsBrightAndYourMySunShine said...

that food looks yummy and the last picture is funny :)