Wednesday, November 16, 2011

One Day--Real Simple

I tore the page right out of the November issue.  Real Simple's guide to getting your shopping done in one day. 
And I tried to follow the plan as closely as possible.  Including oatmeal for breakfast.  Because nothing says Christmas like fiber, protein, and healthy fats.  I wore my stylish new sweater and my cute flats.  And I think they did boost my self-confidence.  I had my coupons and my list compiled.  I had no companions.  I arrived at my first store at 10:00 am. 
Buy something inexpensive first.  Check.  Get in, get out.  Toys R Us in under 10 minutes?!?  Check.  Steer Clear of Attractive Sales People. Check.   
Avoid the main entrance by entering a side door.  Check.  (Although I would have benefited by exiting the same door I entered, thus saving the time I spent looking for my car.) Pay for purchases in less crowded areas of the store like men's underwear.  Check.  
Lunch at 1pm.   I opted for the chicken snack wrap at McD's (and the protein rich salad later in the day for supper.)  NO carboydrate-laden picks for me.  At 2pm I was supposed to perk myself up with a manicure or a massage. 
A free chair massage at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  Check and Recheck.
Add in a stop at the fabric store and a shopping cart full of all the ingredients for a project.  Could this day be any more fun?  They were playing "I'll Be Home For Christmas" in the store, but I had Katy Perry's "Firework" in my head.  124 beats per minute and me moving quickly and efficiently.  (I think I was just doing my zumba moves in my head, but I could have gotten a little carried away.)
I picked up the STP after lunch.  Office Max and two Sporting Good Stores later he had broken the Get in, Get Out rule, and the Don't talk to Attractive Salespeople rule.  (And he had steak and mashed potatoes for supper.)  But meet your spouse for supper was strongly suggested, and I have to admit he is good company.

And we multitasked and ate at a restaurant that offered a $10 bonus with our gift card purchase.
 At the end of the day, after just one additional order online, I was finished with my Christmas shopping.  If I didn't live 2 hours from civilization I could have gotten my wrapping done as well.  As it was I just enjoyed the sleigh ride home.

Let it snow.  Let it snow.  Let it snow.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

you are an inspiration! so glad it was a good day and didnt end in an over-shopped meltdown in a random parking lot somewhere... not that i know anything about those...