Thursday, November 10, 2011

When I say "JoePa"

Just wanted to say it is a sad week to be a Penn State alumnus.

Joe Paterno coached Penn State football when my dad (finally) graduated with his engineering degree.  Between the time my oldest brother was born in Happy Valley and when he graduated (despite a stint of disciplinary probation) with his first degree (in what we thought might be his career as a professional student) Joe Paterno had become the iconic head coach.  JoePa coached football at PSU when my baby sister fell in love there on her way to getting her landscape archetechure archetecture architecture degree.  (Despite my own PSU education, a course of study I can't even spell!)  When my other brother's mother sent him off to Penn State, it was not to play football, but to get his degree in something that would make him a productive member of society.  When he graduated, Joe Paterno was still there. 

I remember the last time Joe Paterno missed a PSU football game.  Back (in the dark ages) when I was a student on campus.  His son was injured in a trampoline accident and his choice was family over football.  The football faithful questioned that decision.  I was raised by a dad who would have made the same decision for any one of his kids.  A dad who consistently chose family over career.  I admired Joe Paterno's decision then.

As the mom of a fifteen year old son, I understand the outrage surrounding Penn State this week. 
As an alumnus (even one who still does not know the words to the Alma Mater),  I am just sad.


MEL said...

Your "other brother" needs more information on this "stint of disciplinary probation".

Miss Brenda said...

Evidently a week when many PSU secrets are unearthed.