Thursday, November 03, 2011

A Slow Start

I am aware it is November.  And tradition has it that I will list 100 things I am thankful for.  But I am having a hard time getting started.
The STP has been sick for two weeks. I am thankful he is not dead.
My cold sore that lasted two weeks healed up just after the STP got sick. So I have not been kissed for a month.  And last night I accused him of breathing on my pillow.    I am thankful that we are still sleeping together.
I got my flu shot so I would not get sick.  My shoulder has hurt ever since I got the shot.  No flu but bursitis in my left shoulder.  I am thankful for Aleve and physical therapy. 
I cleaned the bathroom.  You know the kind of cleaning where you even do the carpet.  The kind of cleaning that causes your children to develop projectile vomiting within 8 hours.  No projectile vomiting for the Goob, just a bloody nose.  I am thankful he did not have the stomach flu. 

I think that's five.  It's a start.


Abi said...

that's disgusting... you should have some sort of disclaimer that does not allow folks to view your photos before 10am... Glad to hear you are all getting the sickness out of the way before your daughter from the east comes to visit. :)

Amanda said...

we hope to be finally not sick anymore by the time we head west...still working on that one though.

Anastasia said...

It is disturbing that you took that photo.