Saturday, November 14, 2015

Grace, Peace, Love

38.  Thankful for grace.  Several quotes about grace have crossed my path this week.
This one from the December issue of Real Simple magazine:  Hoping we've made the "nice" list helps reassure chiuldren that they're worthy,despite their failings and misbehaviors, of the love, goodwill, and yes, even the presents that come their way during the holidays.  It's not Santa's magic that children cling to and need, but his grace.
The second one from an old Esquire magazine article about Mr. Rogers who added the Greek word for grace to his autograph:  What is grace? He doesn't even know. He can't define it. This is a man who loves the simplifying force of definitions, and yet all he knows of grace is how he gets it; all he knows is that he gets it from God, through man.
A third one from Paul's letter to the Thessalonians:  The amazing grace of Jesus Christ be with you.
I just share these just so I can ponder them a little more.  Thankful for the favors extended to me this week which I was surely not deserving of.
39.  Thankful for peace. A quiet heart in the midst of a turbulent world. Peace that surpasses understanding.
40.  Thankful for love.  Good to be loved.  Good to know I am loved. Even when I am not very lovable.

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