Thursday, June 25, 2009

If I Only Had A Patio

Tomorrow we are going to the Big City to do a little shopping. Check out the new Cabelos. Stock up on toilet paper. Eat in a chain restaurant (as seen on TV). But my favorite purchase this week will have come from a yard sale right here in Dodge City. It is so mid-century. And so versatile. And so just what I needed for this summer.
It is patio snack dishes. Oh, yes it is.
Evidently, everyone who was married in the 1950's had a set of these little glass dishes with little glass cups. And for an unknown reason I am attracted to them. So for $1.00 I could have my own set. White glass with a little pattern. But what would I do with 4 little dishes and 4 little cups? But wait. There were three sets. Service for twelve. So now I had to have them. After all, they were in their original boxes. For perhaps the same unknown reason this made them more attractive to me.

Just imagine.. me and the church ladies. With little egg salad sandwiches. Sipping tea with our pinkies sticking out.

...Or the STP and I on the patio. With 10 of our closest friends. With our patio dishes heaped with tortilla chips and our little cups full of fresh salsa.

...Or maybe just me on the porch swing with chocolate syrup in the little cup and banana slices on the little plate.

I've already had $3.00 worth of fun. Come on over join in.


Abi said...

...Or little cherry stems sticking out of the glasses...

Amanda said...

aww all the cherries... with their stems... so cute! i am SO coming.

Miss Brenda said...

Okay. I'm going to get the cherries right now. You guys know me so well.