Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The Goob is taking a Junior Lifesaving class at the Dodge City pool this week. It is part of my summer initiative to get the Goober out of the house. He was not really interested in taking any classes of any kind this summer. But I told him that someday he could work as a lifeguard, and hang out with the pool honeys, and get a tan, and get paid money. I'm pretty sure I had him at money. His friend is also in the class. A pleasant surprise to the Goob.
Friend's Mother: Goober, I didn't know you were interesting in being a lifeguard.
Goober: Neither did I.


Minnie said...

you mean it's just not your family that calls him Goober

Miss Brenda said...

Oh, no. Just us. I just use his code name here so people who stalk us (like Lil Chickie) will have a harder time finding and abducting him.