Saturday, June 20, 2009

What Are Amigos For?

The STP was the speaker at Kidz Kamp this week. I was a counselor for 8 middle school girls. I knew that all those years I spent living with and raising my own middle school girls would pay off someday. I know better than to say go to bed and be quiet. Might as well save my breath. I needed it to chase the middle school boys away.
I also recycled the Mission Mutt puppet into Amigo--man's best friend. The STP spoke about being a friend of God. And the dog introduced each talk. I had to borrow a suitcase and the dog just barely fit in it, so it was comical to pull him out of the suitcase. The dog was originally a big stuffed animal. and it just barks, and I don't even hide--just hold him up and bark for him, and then the STP interprets. And the Kampers were 3rd through 6th graders. And there were still questions about whether the dog was real or a puppet. The kids wrote out questions and the dog answered them. His answer to the girl who asked if he was a puppet was that he was insulted by the question and if she really had this question she should talk to her counselor because IT SHOULD BE OBVIOUS!!!
So today as I was putting his suitcase in the car, this little girl comes up and says, "So he was a puppet, wasn't he?"
And I give her the straight answer, "Yes, he's a puppet."
And she says, "I knew it! I didn't even ask my counselor. Do you know when I knew it? I knew it when he answered my question, because if he was a real dog he would have just said so."
Can't pull anything over on that one.


Anastasia said...

Hope you had a great week. I love camp.
Did you teach the kids "His banner over me is love"? Because i remember living in Spring creek and you came back from being a counselor at camp (I do not remember what I did that week) and you taught me that song and all the motions. i felt soo cool!

Miss Brenda said...

No, but we did sing the weiner man song. Hot dog, I love that weiner man...

Prairie Mama said...

You do a great Amigo! Love your humor and am bummed that you couldn't be kept awake by french fries with us since you had the older bunch!

Glad to have gotten to spend the week with you!