Thursday, August 28, 2008

I Have A Zucchini or Are You Out of Your Mind?

I have a zucchini that I'm going to cook for supper.
One late summer day, back in my childbearing years, (okay, back in my first childbearing years) ((when 135 pounds was my delivery weight and 125 was my panic weight not my fantasy weight)), I told my husband I had considered buying a bikini. He thought I had said I almost bought a zucchini and responded by asking, "Are you out of your mind?" Because we had an overabundance of free for the asking zucchini available. (A few tempers were very nearly lost over that one.)
I should have bought the bikini. I should have worn it the rest of that summer and most of the next one. I should have played in the sandbox with the girls, and flown kites, and mowed the grass in it. (Really, girls, go put your suits on right now and wear them all day.) I regret that I missed my chance on that one. It would still be a good story.
Remember the pastor's wife who used to live here?
You mean the one with the really nice garden?
Oh, yeah, they'd still be talking.


Minnie said...

You can always wear your bikini shirt and do some gardening.

Anastasia said...

Just yesterday i was trying to convince Micah that the proper response when anyone mentions Zucchini is "are you out of your mind!!" He will not be swayed.
Vlasto has grown some zucchinis that are HUGE. I learned to say "that is a huge zucchini".
Next i will learn "are you out of your mind?"