Friday, August 29, 2008

Tomorrow's News

Since I will be deep in the woods, high on a mountain (Sorry, I can't give you any more details. I am concerned about being hatcheted to death in my sleeping bag and dragged off while PD and Goober snore away) I will give you another post today. It is rightly titled:

I Have Three Jobs

The first one is Pastor's Wife. My duties are to keep PD happy. It is a full time job that doesn't pay that well, but the benefits are not bad.

The second job is a very part time teller at the bank in downtown Dodge City. Let's call it Dodge City Federal. I do not start it until next Thursday. I don't know much about it except that I will meet a lot of people and as I've already told you, "Activists are people who know people". Already I know the bank president, and the head teller. I hope I get an employee discount.

The third job is less-than-part-time Med Tech at the hospital just south of Dodge City. I haven't started that job either. I train a few days in September and I work two days the end of October. The hospital has six beds. The personnel offfice is a desk in the supply closet. The lab is one room-I will work alone in it. Let's call it Itty Bitty Healthcare Facility-IBHF. I hope I make enough to support my fly-fishing.

For having three jobs, I don't really have much to do today.

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